Friday, 23 July 2010

I seem to have slipped away from my decluttering again.  I've not added to my total, but I am feeling overwhelmed by the amount of ironing that I have in store.  I think part of this is that DH is going through a spell of not doing anything (apart from the cooking, for which I am truly grateful) when he comes home.  Maybe in his mind, as I am at home all day, he has a 1950s division of labour going on.  Now if he were to share that with me, I would be happy to discuss it, but what I do not like is the unspoken assumption that I will do everything because I'm at home.

So instead, the inner brat has me sat here messing about on the computer, thumbing my nose.

Now having typed all that, I feel ready to iron - I will not let the brat win
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